These times are surreal; scary even. We have never had to face something like this before and the unknown and uncertainty of this all is nerve racking. Red Sentence have been working from home since Wednesday 18th March and will continue to do so until we have the all clear that civilisation can return to ‘normal’.
At the moment, we don’t know when that’ll be, could be a few more weeks or it could be months…In light of this, we have decided to share with you some of our top tips from working from home (WFH) and staying sane in these turbulent times.
Number 01: Get Dressed!
I know this may seem like an obvious one to some but, actually get yourself dressed! It’s important to maintain a routine when WFH. Pretend you are going into the office. Do all the things you would normally do; set an alarm, make yourself a coffee and get yourself ready for the day ahead.
Lounging around in your pyjamas all day might seem nice for a few days but this will start making you feel lethargic and unmotivated to work. Ok so, you don’t have to wear a suit and tie but make sure at least your top half is presentable, for when you’re on those video conference calls…just make sure you’re sitting down!

Number 02: Create a Dedicated Workspace
This is a good tip for everyone, especially those with kids! Dedicate a specific area or room in your house where you can set up your ‘office’. Preferably somewhere away from distractions like TVs and your family! Doing this will get you in the right frame of mind for the working day ahead.
I know it’s tricky but explain to your siblings, parents, housemates or significant others that although you are WFH, you are still working! Ask them to respect your space during your work hours. Stick to your regular working schedule as best as you can but be sociable with the people you live with during your lunch break, for example.

Number 03: Write a To Do List
Manage your productivity by writing out a to-do list. By doing so, this will give you a sense of structure and you’ll feel more organised and productive knowing what your targets are for the day ahead.
When you have finished your working day, write out any remaining tasks that you didn’t get to finish. This will save you time in the morning and you’ll have focus and clearer goals set for the next day.

Number 04: Take Regular Breaks
This one is important and should be something you do even when you’re not working from home. I know it can be difficult to stop work when you’re busy or stressed but sometimes it can be the best thing for you…Take a breather, step away from your desk and have a stretch.
Taking regular breaks is important for your mental as well as your physical health. Go outside! I know we are on lockdown at the moment so make the most of your break by going for a brisk walk outside; the fresh air will do you good and you’ll feel refreshed when you get back to your desk.

Number 05: Stay Connected with Your Team
In the age of technology, WFH could not be easier. Although you are physically away from your work colleagues, it doesn’t mean that you’re working alone. There are great apps and video conferencing tools to help you stay in touch with your team. At Red Sentence, we stay in daily contact via Slack and have the occasional video chat via Zoom at the end of the week to check in with each other.

Number 06: Listen to Good Music!
I find that when working from home, listening to good music makes me more motivated and eager to work. Music is great for picking up your mood; WFH can feel lonely at times so choose music that will get you feeling happy and positive.
You might even end up having a little dance break in between your working tasks! Listening to the radio is also another great way to keep you company during your working day. Radio 1 is my go to, especially on a Friday when they play the best throwback tunes!

I hope that you find these working from home tips useful! Remember to stay positive in these tricky times. Together we will get through this. #inthistogether
In the meantime, if you have any questions or queries about any upcoming projects, please do get in touch with us on: